Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Qassia oh Qassia

What is Qassia??

Qassia is a credit-driven intelligence engine coupled to a cascading tag-based directory. What the heck does that mean? It means that Qassia will change your life.

What can I do at Qassia?

You can add your websites, and get unlimited quality backlinks. There is no need to pay, or to link back to Qassia. Websites are processed instantly and ranked by the amount of credits you have amassed. To earn credits, you can add intel, i.e. tidbits of intelligence.

Why is Qassia needed?

Promoting a new site has never been easy, and it's getting tougher every day. Site owners are forced to spend hours upon hours doing mundane and unproductive tasks such as exchanging links. Many give up, and splurge on advertising - which is why Google Adwords earns $1 billion per quarter.

How will Qassia generate traffic?

At Qassia, you will get credit for adding your intel. The more credit you get, the better your sites will rank. This provides incentive for site owners to contribute to Qassia. Thus harnessing the minds of millions, Qassia will become the largest repository of intelligence on the web.

Booth your website traffic with QASSIA~!!


Sw337un73j4 said...

yuhuu..wanie manisku..akak dah tukau url lama dah spedot..mencik..tukau yer dik..muahhsss!

Sw337un73j4 said...

alahhh..lupa nak info..

okiess :D

Warnawanie said...

la patut laaa tak bleh view...
ingatkan tak izin kan kite masuk.. hew hew hew

Mem Aluya said...

Qassia ni bagus untuk bisnes si Alodat dari Gunung Terkelendat tuh.

Wanie, beik gi bagitau dia.

Yuzray Eusoph said...

yeah..qassia mmg besh. Letakkan badge dia kat atas2 lg bgus. Anyway sy mengesyaki ia juga menyebabkan site sy kehilangan Google Adsense sbb depa detect site saya ada skrip 'robot'. Agaknya la kot...

P/s: Boost ur website SEO with Qassia, don't 'booth' it! Hehehe...