I'm back to my working life...
Its been a month... I didn't go to the office... [poor me.. aduhhh]
I'm still in the 'quarantine' phase.. doing my works from home until my next scan on 21st May.
Soo many things going on.. and its really impacted my daily life...
GOD is testing me again and again... but as a human, when we encounter a challenge, we still have the freedom to choose how to react on it, right?
Every decision that we make has significance...
Spent my days - 2weeks at the hospital, mula2 sangat la bosan...
Of coz its good staying in the ward.. so the docs and nurses boleh monitor all the times.. even tgh tido pun diorang kejut.. nak check blood pressure...
Baju pun orang basuhkan.. makan pun orang sediakan.. eventhough paham2 jelaa makanan hospital..
Luckily, azhar belikan me game.. so belasah main game laa sampai tutup mata..
Kalau anak nanti asyik main game.. jgn salahkan ibunya yer.. hehehe
And its deeply touched, bile tgk anak2 kecil selamat lahir ke dunia...
Time tu dlm fikiran...and deep inside my heart... I'm waiting my next phase of life.. being a mom.. diri sendiri not sure, uhhh am I ready for that?
How time flies, begitu cepat masa berlalu....
Dipertemukan, bertunang, diijabkabulkan... and mengandung dlm tempoh setahun..alhamdulillah!!!
Yeah.. it will happen when it supposed to happen... dengan takdir dan kuasa Tuhan...
And not to forget, sebelum Tuhan menghadiahkan pelangi, pastinya hujan datang terlebih dahulu..Bcoz everything in GOD's hands... :)
I'm not blaming the faith...why I have been thru all this difficult path..
Bcoz life would never be "trouble free", I'm here just to share what I feel...
Life is about sharing?? hehehe...
God knows BEST!!
Juz hope dat, everything gonna be fine... and I can be much stronger than before...yeah!!
So far baby grows well!! lagi kuat dia berlatih futsal...
Currently, me away from all the housekeeping duties!! Azhar la yg jadi Mr MAMA... hew hew hew...
Dialah hang kebun, tukang masak, tukang dobi, driver etc...
But kdg2 dibantu oleh my lil sis, my mom n my mom in law... hehehe
Walaupun rumah ada tunggang terbalik skit... tapi takleh nk fikir skrg ni..
Oleh itu, anda2 tidak digalakkan utk datang ke rumah saya buat masa ni, ada pemandangan yang agak tidak menyenangkan :-P
But I noticed dat, Azhar lipat baju lagi cantek & kemas dari me!!! hahahaI'm glad to have him in my life...
He teach me how to overcome these challenges...
Taking care of woman is not an easy job.!!
Sikit2 nangis, sensitip pun yer... hahaha..
but no matter what hard times we've been through....
My love has kept on growing for him and our little bundle of joy....
Being pregnant is such an amazing journey!!
Membesar dgn sehat, tak perlu minum milo pun... hahaha..
But as my fren said, 'dunt worry la.. pregnant mums are sexy in their own way...' hohoho I loikeee...
Skrg baru tau cemana mak kite dulu menahan sakit pinggang and belakang..dengan perut yang semakin besar...
{Saya semakin menyayangi mama saya} - MUHASABAH DIRI
[Morale of the story...]
*Trouble is part of our life, if we dont share it, we dont give the person who loves us a chance to love us enough...We must tell our partner what are we expecting from them and should ask what they expect from us...and how we favor people we love.....*
Sekian, sesi mengarut selesai. Tamated.
dah tembam dah pipi dia..hehehe...
take care of urself wanie~!
slamat menjd ibu yg mithali ye wanie..
semoga wanie tabah mjalani ari2 sbagai bakal ibu :)
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