Hi all,
Ni hao ma?
Lately ni, jarang2 me dpt bukak blog n baca blog2 kengakawan...Kamik 'gago' gilak seh....
Ape yang di'gago'kan sangat tu?? huhuhuhu meh nk citer;
Starting dis month, our company kena run 3 projects yang dah 'confirm' serentak... 2 big jobs n 1 not-too-big job hehehe.. but still to meet the dateline. Meaning of 'confirm' is project yg dah dpt Letter-of-Award' and now we are in the midst of designing & developing all this projects. What is a hectic month for me kan?? Sangat2 mencabar but actually it is a good 'sign' for us to grow up n boleh jadi a good portfolio in the future.
And ada jugak a few job yg sedang menanti hari jerk nk masuk, especially project from US. Tunggu client sign and approve jerk... hopefully the dateline tak membuatkan kami kerja 'nyawa-nyawa ikan' hehehe. Thanks to Sunand from Indiana University yg sgt2 mempercayai kami utk deliver each project e-learning yg diorang dpt... and Thanks to GOD also for this 'rezeki murah'.But for International Project, wanie tak handle... but my click, Diyana. Me jadi development team sambilan jer... hehehe
First big project yg wanie tgh handle skrg ialah project e-learning for UTM tu. Esok me ada 1st preview at UTM Jalan Semarak, to present the courseware architecture, the techincal specification and also the prototype..Not only just being a project manager, me also kena jadi Instructional Designer. Its not an easy job. bile kite nk design the content, memerlukan imaginasi yg tinggi, to make sure the content dpt disampaikan dgn baik kpd learner. when we talk about learning, kite kena make sure that at the end, the learning objectives tercapai.. Apepun, harap2 dis project can run smoothly...
My 2nd big project is iQuran. Hurm.. project yg sangat2 mencabar.. actually iQuran ni kami nk develop Al-Quran courseware yg interactive. Digital Quran dalam concept e-learning. So it will be more interactive, mmg byk dah cd2 Quran kt market.. tapi kami nk gunakan element multimedia utk sampaikan teks al-quran, terjemahan, tafsiran n huraian.. Erm, kalau kite baca tafsir kdg2 kite sendiri tak faham ape maksud ayat2 quran yg dinyatakan sbb penggunaan bahasa yg jarang2 kite guna dlm daily life.. so, our objective is to simplify the meaning of all this ayat-2 Al-Quran for 30 juzuk dgn membuat huraian dlm ayat yg lebih mudah.
Our 3rd project yg tgh run skrg.. ialah develop CMS for Bulletpages under Penzoft (Pendrive). Rasanya dah pernah citer pasal Bulletpages ni in my previous2 entry... godek laa semua eh kt archive kalu nk tau gapo dia.. hehehe.Yang ni not-to-worried sgt laa.. but hopefully kami boleh deliver the system on time.. ikut estimated timeline yg dah kami propose... I'Allah..
First big project yg wanie tgh handle skrg ialah project e-learning for UTM tu. Esok me ada 1st preview at UTM Jalan Semarak, to present the courseware architecture, the techincal specification and also the prototype..Not only just being a project manager, me also kena jadi Instructional Designer. Its not an easy job. bile kite nk design the content, memerlukan imaginasi yg tinggi, to make sure the content dpt disampaikan dgn baik kpd learner. when we talk about learning, kite kena make sure that at the end, the learning objectives tercapai.. Apepun, harap2 dis project can run smoothly...
My 2nd big project is iQuran. Hurm.. project yg sangat2 mencabar.. actually iQuran ni kami nk develop Al-Quran courseware yg interactive. Digital Quran dalam concept e-learning. So it will be more interactive, mmg byk dah cd2 Quran kt market.. tapi kami nk gunakan element multimedia utk sampaikan teks al-quran, terjemahan, tafsiran n huraian.. Erm, kalau kite baca tafsir kdg2 kite sendiri tak faham ape maksud ayat2 quran yg dinyatakan sbb penggunaan bahasa yg jarang2 kite guna dlm daily life.. so, our objective is to simplify the meaning of all this ayat-2 Al-Quran for 30 juzuk dgn membuat huraian dlm ayat yg lebih mudah.
Our 3rd project yg tgh run skrg.. ialah develop CMS for Bulletpages under Penzoft (Pendrive). Rasanya dah pernah citer pasal Bulletpages ni in my previous2 entry... godek laa semua eh kt archive kalu nk tau gapo dia.. hehehe.Yang ni not-to-worried sgt laa.. but hopefully kami boleh deliver the system on time.. ikut estimated timeline yg dah kami propose... I'Allah..
Dats y, I'm damn busy right now.. mmg tak cukup tangan.. meeting pun sampai malam.. actually rasanyer letih sbb travel meeting sana sini kot.. almaklumlaa kt kl ni jarang sekali tak berlakunyer kesesakan...Badan dah mula rasa tak sehat... huhuhu kena cari supplement lebih ni.. ekekeke. But orang kata 'bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang2 kemudian'.
and lagi satu, ada big transition dah berlaku kt our company. but ape dia? jeng jeng jeng...
Nanti2 laa citer, biar confirm dulu.. ada good news, ada not so good news and bad news... whatever it is, this is all about Allah's Plan... God knows BEST kan??
Apepun azam saya, walau sebizi mana pun saya.. saya tetap akan berusaha utk masak hari2 utk suami saya!!! I'Allah... and terima kasih kpd "Roti Prata" yg telah menyelamatkan sy menyediakan hidangan breakfast pagi ni gara2 terbangun lambat.. hahahaha...
Oklah, panjangnyer sy celoteh ni.. (cover utk 3 hari sekaligus)
Oppss, Salam Aidiladha utk semua...
Ada bakat tak nk jadi pelakon hindustan? hihihihi
and lagi satu, ada big transition dah berlaku kt our company. but ape dia? jeng jeng jeng...
Nanti2 laa citer, biar confirm dulu.. ada good news, ada not so good news and bad news... whatever it is, this is all about Allah's Plan... God knows BEST kan??
Apepun azam saya, walau sebizi mana pun saya.. saya tetap akan berusaha utk masak hari2 utk suami saya!!! I'Allah... and terima kasih kpd "Roti Prata" yg telah menyelamatkan sy menyediakan hidangan breakfast pagi ni gara2 terbangun lambat.. hahahaha...
Oklah, panjangnyer sy celoteh ni.. (cover utk 3 hari sekaligus)
Oppss, Salam Aidiladha utk semua...
Chop!! Chop!! mcm tak caya jerk adik bongsu wanie dah abis sekolah.. huhuhu dah besau adik aku nih... hohoho dah start blogging plak... aish... tinggal abg izhan ngan hubby jerk yg tak bukak blog lagi... hubs, bile lagi? hahaha..leh cite pasal Lauk Sardin yg u masak sedap tu...
bz nye wanie.. tp project manager mmg bz kan, sbb nk kene plan & schedule btul2 spy project run smoothly.. zt doakan supaya di'p'mudahkan segala keje yg wanie buat.. yg pnting x mo stress2 k ;)
Uwah.. Sgt bz nye wanie.. Rezeki pah kawen blake tuh.. Bz2 pn jge kshatan k.. Ihik.. Adik pun ad blog gop.. Harusku terjah pas ni hei..
Uwah.. Sgt bz nye wanie.. Rezeki pah kawen blake tuh.. Bz2 pn jge kshatan k.. Ihik.. Adik pun ad blog gop.. Harusku terjah pas ni hei..
Uwah.. Sgt bz nye wanie.. Rezeki pah kawen blake tuh.. Bz2 pn jge kshatan k.. Ihik.. Adik pun ad blog gop.. Harusku terjah pas ni hei..
Salam.. wow .... buzynye... hehehe.. sama la... ermmm Slamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha...
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