Everyday, thousands of companies all over the world are searching the globe, especially Asia - the economic powerhouse of the next millennium, for trade and business opportunities. BulletPages currently offers directory search via the internet or off-line, not only with thousands of trade listings and corporate profiles but also up-to-date business information. Our areas of coverage span across Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America and South America.
Today, each PenDrive sold is pre-loaded with BulletPages Business Directory, allowing anyone to search for a company without having to go online. BulletPages ' unique delivery allows companies to reach potential customers without internet access and allowing them to have a business directory available in their hands at all time. With over 200,000 PenDrives sold a month worldwide and pre-loaded with BulletPages Business Directory, companies are guaranteed to establish a global presence and connect with potential customers worldwide.
BulletPages offers you a Chance to advertise your business with a very low and affordable price. You can have the options to advertise with: Company contact details + 300 characters descriptions with only RM49 per annum You can also include additional multimedia such as: Additional picture (annually) * RM25 per picture Additional video (annually) * RM75 per video
each PenDrive sold is preloaded with Bulletpages Business Directory , reaching to over 200,000 consumers a month. Areas of coverage span across Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America and South America.
Allowing users to search company / merchant details via internet connection or off-line.
Check dis out. Click here For those who are interested, let me know ya~!! "Carry your directories with you"
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